6 Feet Social Distancing Labels Are Effective Modern Tools

6 feet social distancing labels

These Labels are widely used in all businesses and organizations during the current pandemic. These are effective to spread awareness and information about COVID-19 prevention guidelines. WHO and other health departments are continuously reminding people about the preventions that can slow the spread of this virus. Social distancing is the most essential practice in all public places to avoid mass gatherings.

All the businesses are enforcing this act among their customers and staff. According to the recent research, 6 feet is the most accurate distance that people must maintain to avoid close contact with anyone. 6 feet custom social distancing labels are highly effective tools to direct people. Because of their unique manufacturing and visual appeal, they captivate the attention of everyone easily.

Important Things To Consider For Social Distancing Labels:

These labels are highly reliable to maintain a safe distance between masses. Sometimes people become confused or forget about this practice. These work as excellent reminders to control the flow of traffic. Installing them in the right place with a clear message to keep six feet distance can make a real difference to maintaining an organized environment within your business premises.

Social Distancing Labels

To enhance their effectiveness, one must consider the following factors!

Covey Clear And Informative Message:

The first and foremost thing is informing others in a highly influential manner. Public needs clear, concise and consistent message or guidance. 6 feet social distancing labels for your businesses must contain attractive yet specific messages on exactly what should be their behavior to adopt social distancing. The message must be short yet appealing by using vibrant images, prints and captivating text. Realize them the importance of physical distancing practice in saving so many lives.

Place Them At 6 Feet Distance From Each Other:

The right placement of labels is essential to enhance their visibility and functionality. Recognize the place where you feel a need to keep people apart. Window clings, entrance gates and table tops are the most essential places. Businesses should also install them in waiting, queuing and checkout areas as people usually gather here. Place them on the floor with 6 feet and tell them to “STAND HERE” and wait for their turn.
Social Distancing Floor Labels

Avoid Message Or Image Based On Fear:

Choose images and texts carefully to spread a message of social distancing within your place. Make sure to choose appealing and vibrant labels printing instead of those who promote fear. More the text and images will be appealing, the more they convince people to adhere to COVID-19 prevention rules.

Design Must Be Appealing And Attractive:

6 feet social distancing labels come in various shapes, sizes, themes and colors. Choosing the right design for your business is crucial. People easily notice unique things that is why you must choose to rely on exceptional designs to give instant awareness to maintain six feet distance. Messages must be conveyed professionally focusing on inclusivity.
